Wednesday, 20 February 2013

The Rise of Social Media in The Motor Traders World

Social media has become an important marketing tool in the motor traders world. Companies around the world are turning to social media to market their business, offer promotional discounts and keep their customers informed of new products and interesting information regarding the industry.

As with any marketing the aim is to get your name into your customers head. When a customer thinks of a car repair or buying a new vehicle, you want them to immediately remember your company name. Marketing is essential in today's climate to ensure brand awareness and improve your customer base.

Years ago you could rely on repeat and referral business and while this will still play an important role, if you want to grow and improve profitability you need to improve your customer base.

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...
Image via CrunchBase

Facebook has been a popular social media site for many years and there aren't many people who do not have a Facebook account. Facebook enables you to advertise your company offering basic information and contact details and then you can update your status to advise customers of new information, interesting trends or things happening in your industry.

The advantage with Facebook is that you can create events and invite people to attend, so you can create a discounted rate MOT for one week and invite people to take advantage of the offer.


Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase
Twitter has quickly caught up with Facebook and you'll find that a majority of your customers will have both a Facebook and Twitter account. Again with twitter you can have your page with contact information and then you can update your status on new developments, promotional offers and interesting information in what is called “Tweets”.


Image representing LinkedIn as depicted in Cru...
Image via CrunchBase
While LinkedIn falls under social media, this is a wonderful networking tool, giving people in the industry the ability to rub shoulders with other workshop and dealership owners, find out about new jobs that have come available and stay updated on trends and news that may be interesting to your business.

Every business needs a website these days, maybe even a blog, but social media is one of those things they all do because everyone else is doing it, without realising the impact it has on your business. Linking your website to your social media accounts and advertising your website on your social media accounts can definitely improve business and increase your customer base. Social media has become an essential online tool for all motor traders who want to succeed moving forward.

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